Registering a New Domain Name
Registering a domain name means that you claim ownership of your chosen domain name and can use it for your Zeald website. To learn how, follow the steps below:
1. Go to
2. Enter your domain name.
3. Read through all the conditions, then click Next to confirm.
4. If you have previously registered a domain name and would like to use the same contact information, click Use Contact from Another Domain, then select the contact details. If not (or if it is your first time registering a domain name:
a. Enter the required details on the fields specified.
b. Indicate who your website’s administrative contact will be by removing the tick on the checkbox, then enter the required details. NOTE: Skip this step if you’re also the administrative contact.
5. Click Next.
6. Setup emails associated with the domain name you will be registering.
NOTE: Ensure that all email addresses are entered. Otherwise, emails that get sent to email addresses which were not registered will get lost.
a. Click Add New Email Addresses.
c. Select an option:
Forward mail to an existing email address – You can choose to forward all emails to an existing email account (Gmail or Xtra) at no cost at all. Once this option is selected, enter the email addresses where you want the emails forwarded to. You can also enter more than one email address separated by commas. Please note thatwhen you are changing froma a mailbox to a forwarded email, you will lose all emails stored.
Purchase a new mailbox – Allows you to store and access your emails via the Zeald web mail and your email client for $10.00 / year per mailbox. Enter and confirm your preferred password.
d. Once done, click Save.
NOTE: Repeat these steps for all email addresses.
Once done, click Save.
7. Complete the required details:
a. Your account. Tick Create new account if you don’t have an account yet, then enter your preferred account details.
b. If you already have an existing account, tick Already have an account, then enter the domain name and password.
c. Tick the I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions checkbox.
d. Enter your credit card details.
8. Click Finish to register your domain name.