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Changing the design of your site

As web trends change rapidly, it’s important that your website is able to keep up with the pace.  Hence, a design overhaul is a crucial investment you need to consider if you want to see a return on your hard-earned investment.

Why do you need to redesign your website?

  • According to the Nielsen Norman Group, you have around 10-20 seconds to leave an impression on your prospects and clients and give them your value proposition.  After that, they’ll leave if they can’t find anything that piques their interest.
  • It takes about 50 milliseconds for users to form an opinion on your website, according to a Google research.

Do remember that your website represents your brand and company online.  If your website cannot provide your users a pleasurable online experience, they’re less likely to return to your website after their first visit.

How do you know if your website is due for a redesign?

  • When your website is not mobile-friendly.  On April 21, 2015, Google has rolled out an update that rewards mobile-friendly websites with a ranking boost (and penalises those that aren’t).   As more and more people are accessing the Internet using their mobile devices, Google felt the need to do a few tweaks on their algorithms to adapt to this change, as mentioned in the official Google Webmaster Central Blog.  In addition, consumers are doing more on their mobile devices, than on their desktop computers, from research to purchasing online.  Hence, a bad experience on a website that’s not optimised yet for mobile viewing can lead to a loss of conversion.  As a matter of fact, a Google survey published on September 2012 states that a whopping 61$ of people are more likely to move to another website if they can’t find what they’re looking for on a mobile website they’re viewing.  67% of users says that they are more inclined to shop from a mobile-optimised e-commerce website.  About 74% of users agree that they’re more likely to return to a mobile-friendly website after their first visit.

If you have yet to consider making your website optimised for mobile viewing, now would be a good time.

Find out if your website’s mobile-optimised with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.  If you’d like to take your website’s mobile-friendliness to another level, consider a responsive design.

  • Your website still uses Flash.  There was a time when Flash was a standard for multimedia content.  These days, newer technology like HTML5 and Responsive design has taken over the scene, for a few good reasons. Apart from the security flaws, it’s also getting less and less web browser support due to the recent security vulnerabilities.  If your website is still running on Flash (as few websites still do), it may be high time that you consider a website overhaul.
  • Your homepage looks a bit crowded.  Text and link heavy layouts are a thing of the past.  Web design trends are moving towards the less busy and more visual homepages with intuitive navigations and a cleaner layout.  If your homepage still features a dizzying blur of texts and links, your website might be due for a design overhaul.  Remember that a poor and outdated web design can overshadow an otherwise high-quality content.
  •  There are no conversion opportunities on your website.  There’s more to a website than a great design.  If your website is not optimised for leads, then you’re losing lots of opportunities for conversions.  A potent combination of strategically placed call-to-action buttons, a nicely designed landing page, and high-quality content can increase your website’s ability to turn a visitor to a customer.

What can I change on my website?

Overhauling your website can be as simple as changing the:

  • Font
  • Logo
  • Background colour
  • appearances of your shop page, category page, shopping cart page, checkout page, thank you pages, or product pages

Or as comprehensive as giving your website a major makeover.

Whether you’re opting for a complete redesign, or a few tweaks on your website’s current design, our Support Team can help you.

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